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Portrait of Alix DMX

Alix, whose name resonates with vivacity and elegance, was born in the City of Lights - Paris. She spent her childhood surrounded by the excitement of the French capital before her family decided to start anew. After a few moves, they settled in Lyon, a city renowned for its historical heritage and culinary scene.

It was during this period of transition that Alix faced one of the most difficult challenges of her life. At an age when most teenagers explore new horizons, Alix found herself face to face with a devastating bacterium, Staphylococcus, which attacked her bones, particularly her femur. She had to endure septicemia, a potentially life-threatening condition, and undergo surgery to receive a hip prosthesis. These months were marked by pain and uncertainty, as Alix was confined to bed for nine months, followed by three months of intensive rehabilitation.

Despite these challenges, Alix displayed remarkable resilience and determination. She entered high school with a thirst for independence and, at the age of 16, took the leap by moving into her own apartment. Passionate about fashion, Alix enrolled in a professional bachelor's program specializing in fashion trades and related industries. However, she chose to take a different path before completing the program.

Immersing herself in the workforce, Alix explored various jobs, including positions in the restaurant industry. She also delved into the world of dance, working as a go-go dancer in clubs and venturing into the realm of strip-tease. Through these experiences, Alix continued to shape her identity and embrace challenges with boldness and determination.